Baling Selipar


Baling selipar or hand-woven slippers are a kind of traditional Malaysian children's game. Its just like the game of throwing tin just changed to slippers. Three slippers are required for this game of slippers arranged vertically and handled for dropping.

It is often seen as an entertaining activity when gathering with friends and family. The game is very simple because the necessary tools are just slippers that are often used by people in Malaysia. This traditional game can also be performed at various mass sports events.


This game can be played by anyone whether boys or girls. This game requires a slippers that are not too hard or thick as this can cause players to get injured by throwing the opponent's and vice versa. The slippers collected should be straightened up into three sides and one slippers are used to make the throw.

The first player from the main group starts the game by throwing slippers that have been stacked. Each player can throw three times to drop the slippers that have been stacked. If the throw is not hit on the target, the opponet's turn takes over to make the next throw.

If the slippers are dropped, the main group players try to turn off their opponents by throwing slippers and targeting the opponent. Victory is calculated based on whether the opponent can rearrange the slippers into three terms and step on the arrangement.


The game of hand-woven slippers is still remembered and played until now. The game still has its own fans amongst children and youths especially in vilages. In the urban area, when there is an outdoor event involving traditional games, a hand-woven slippers contest is one of the most popular events.

Beside that, The game of hand-woven slippers was held by several local institutions of higher learning. The game is welcomed as it can restore childhood nostalgia. This game is also held to showcase Malaysian culture to foreign students.


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